Friday, January 25, 2013

Durex - Variety Fish Bowl Condom, 144 Count Reviews

One has to pay respects to those fine citizens who spend their free time reviewing condoms on Amazon. One has to pay special respects to those who purchase AND THEN REVIEW a 144 count fish bowl full of multi-color durex condoms. Wow! Here are some highlights...

"The product is missing 14 condoms that really sucks. Service better improve or I am just going to stop buying."
"I thought I'd never get a handle on Halloween. I tried giving out homemade candy apples -- the parents wouldn't accept them. I tried buying bulk candy and putting it in little baggies -- no dice. You can get little boxes of raisins in great quantity, but cleaning the toilet paper out of the trees wasn't worth it the next day.

So imagine my glee at finding this one-stop-shopping solution. Individually wrapped? Check. Colorful variety? Check. Enough for the dozens of trick-or-treaters we get at Halloween? Check. They even come in their own jar!

All this needs is a "Please Take One" sign and I'll be all ready for October 31st. Let's see the neighborhood watch find something wrong with my candy THIS year!" 

"...If you need tons of condoms, this is the product for you. For those who are curious, you'd have to have sex 2.77 times a week in order to use up all these condoms in a year." (HE NEEDS TONS OF CONDOMS)

"I use these for those lonely nights. They provide a cheap and easy way to contain my messes. No need to waste a sock or paper towels! Great buy" 


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