Friday, October 11, 2013

Back to the grind (of online love) to meet... Bigamists!!!

I have, optimistically (read: tragically) decided to return to the world of online dating for a brief tour before becoming disgusted and losing hope once more. So far, and in contrast to the last time I was this desperate, I am actually being contacted by men who have not yet celebrated their 70th birthday... But don't let that fool you into thinking they're better. Mostly they're just less old. I am currently living in the South, so many of them take pictures of their beer guts, candids in their tan and grimy studio apartment bathrooms, pics they sneak in while driving to work wearing their Best Buy polo, pictures of their guns spread out on the polyester slip cover on their king size water beds in their cabins in the North Georgia woods.  When looking through the list of "gentlemen" that the "staff robot" at okCupid had picked for me, for ME in particularly... I came across this gentlemen. I figure it doesn't constitute a HIPPA violation to share his dating narrative here. I like that they thought of me when they looked at his profile. Here are the "selects" of his profile:

My Self Summary

OKC says I am materialistic....could not be farther from the truth.

I have this idea that I can buy this property...

and live off the money and food that the property produces and live happily ever after. Unless we also grow cannabis then we will live blissfully ever after.

I work from home, eat mostly vegetarian with some home grown chicken or beef thrown in. Five kids all at home, all home schooled except the 17 year old who has his own home based business and is done with high school.

Raised Christian...PK/MK but lean more towards a Jesus Words Only type of belief...(basically reject the writings of Saul of Tarsus)...which is more Buddhist than "Christian". I know this might be confusing....

Married to a wonderful woman and looking to be a husband for another wife too...think Big Love without the drama and hollywood. Let me know if you curious about how it would work, even if it is disgusting to you. I have friends that live this way and they think it is awesome. My wife would like that type of close friendship that comes from being in the same family with another woman, and I would like to be a supportive and loving husband to that woman just like I am for my wife right now.

The most private thing I’m willing to admit

is that I French press...?

I am married and looking to be a great husband to another woman for life, without abandoning or neglecting the wife or children that I have right now. Many of my friends live like this and it is not at all like the big evil thing that society makes it out to be. It is not about the man being a perv or a dominating asshole. It is about a man being willing to put away video games, sports obsessions, beer fests, and all the other distractions of the world in order to be a servant, lover, partner, and friend. And the women are more free to pursue careers and interests, mothering, etc., but without the burnout or lack of support.

My wife knows about this and supports me, we have many friends that willingly and loving choose to live in this type of family structure.

I am looking for that one special woman that gets it, that being family is more important that being alone and that for every woman in the world to not be alone and unloved...some of them would have to share. Might as well be with a guy that is not a slob, loser, or abuser, not a drunk, video gaming, non motivated, cheating deceiver. I am NOT saying that it is bad to be alone or that everyone not in a relationship is desperate or unhappy or unloved.

As I don't "get it", I am glad to hear that it is not "bad to be alone" and that "everyone in a relationship (is not) desperate, unhappy or unloved". Actually, I kind of disagree with with that last point!

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